
earthquake-106572272-617x416Welcome to the 1500 block of MLK! As a block, we are preparing for a major earthquake / disaster under the framework of a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). We started this process in 2010, and are gradually building our skills and resources as households, as a block, and as part of the wider community. This website captures what we’ve learned so far and is a work in progress.

If you’re new to earthquake preparation or just new to our block, we invite you to use these pages to get organized and join our block in preparation activities. The Individual column provides a sense of what you can do in your own household, from Basic to Advanced. The Block column will give you a sense of what we’re doing as a neighborhood, and the Wider Neighborhood column will give you a sense of efforts that extend beyond our immediate block. We’ve attempted to break things down into doable chunks. At minimum, we encourage everyone to be prepared at the level of Basic Individual.


Participation and Activity Grid

We’ve created a Participation and Activity Grid to help you on your path to preparing yourself, your household, and the neighborhood for surviving an earthquake and its aftermath.

If you live on our block, contact admin@1500mlk.org to join our mailing list and access block specific documents. If you live beyond our block and would like to receive periodic updates, contact updates@1500mlk.org. In either case, please provide your name, e-mail address, and street address.

Thanks for visiting our web site, and we welcome your feedback!